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Features and Specifications

Be more productive with this collection of layer management, block editing, and dimension checking tools. The major features of this extension include copying and coloring layer groups.

  • Improved Layer/Layer Group Management: Enhancements include assigning Layer Group Color, Offset to Layer, Command Line access for AMLAYER, as well as the ability to copy layer groups.
  • Improved Reference Editing (RefEdit): Enhancements include display of nested xrefs and anonymous blocks.
  • Dimension Value Checking: Find, highlight, and edit dimensions that contain overridden values.

Improved Layer/Layer Group Management

Feature Function Benefit
Layer group color Apply specific colors to layer groups while specifying which layers within the groups respect the group color. By applying different colors to individual layer groups (often used to isolate parts in an assembly), you can better differentiate parts graphically. The added ability to specify layers within layer groups that respect the group color gives you more control over this technique. For example, you can apply the layer group color to contour/object line layers, leaving the centerline, hidden line, and annotation layers unchanged, highlighting the group in a more visually elegant way.
Layer group color toggle Global variable controlling whether layer group colors are applied. The global toggle allows you to apply different layer group colors while working on a drawing, and then turn off all colors when needed (when plotting, for example). Layer group colors are saved, so toggling layer group colors on restores all layer group colors at once.
Copy layer group New command to copy objects on a layer group to a new layer group. As layer groups are often used to isolate parts in an assembly drawing, copying layer groups allows you to easily copy parts in a drawing.
Offset to layer New mode to offset entities to the current layer/layer group. You often borrow geometry when creating new parts by offsetting lines, arcs, and circles from other parts. As these parts are commonly on different layer groups, you must immediately change the layer/layer group of the offset geometry. The new mode to offset entities to the current layer/layer group saves you this step, increasing productivity and drawing integrity.
Command-line enhancements for AMLAYER All layer/layer group control dialog box functions available at the command line. Allows greater customization and automation for layer and layer group functions.

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Improved Reference Editing (RefEdit)

Feature Function Benefit
Full nested structure Reference Edit dialog box now displays the full nested structure of blocks and xrefs. Navigate easily to any nested block or xref in the selected block or external reference. No need to select the specific nested reference to edit it.
Edit anonymous blocks RefEdit now displays and allows editing of anonymous blocks. Some legacy systems (Genius14, for example) made extensive use of anonymous blocks. Exposing anonymous blocks in RefEdit allows you to edit these blocks in AutoCAD® Mechanical 6 software.

Dimension Value Checking

Feature Function Benefit
Check dimensions New command to find, highlight, and edit dimensions that do not contain the default (<>) dimension value. Easily find all dimensions with overridden values and, if desired, step through each overridden dimension and edit it to display the actual value.

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