Autodesk Subscription


Sharing information is a big part of any design or engineering project. And with the Design Publishing Extension, distributing your digital design data as paper drawings or electronic DWF? (Design Web Format?) files is easy and efficient. With simple drag-and-drop functionality, you can create a multidrawing set with consistent formatting. Plus you can add, remove, or reorder sheets at any time and save the drawing set description for reuse. If you want to bypass the time and expense of plotting hard copies, a single click will publish your DWG into a DWF file. The enhanced DWF¡Xthe best format for exchanging files over the Web¡Xprovides


  • Neutral Format¡XTeam members don¡¦t need AutoCAD® software to view and plot DWF files.
  • Easy Distribution¡XThe small file size means speedy transmission; team members can view DWFs with Autodesk® DWF? Viewer, which comes with this extension and can be attached to an email.
  • Security¡XRecipients can view and plot, but not edit geometry.
  • Rich Information¡XMetadata such as layers and named views remains intact.
  • Fidelity¡XPlot to scale and get the same visual fidelity as an AutoCAD® DWG file.
  • Flexibility¡XCombine multiple drawing sheets in a single, convenient file, or create multiple DWF files containing individual sheets.