Manufacturing Solutions

Truth in 3D

3D is not just for the largest aerospace or automotive manufacturers. 3D is for anyone looking for a serious business advantage.  Discover the way to a new world of design with Autodesk Inventor® software.  Explore new design ideas, realize enhanced productivity and produce higher-quality products by moving from 2D tools to Autodesk Inventor, an innovative 3D design technology.

  • Enhanced Productivity—The depth of detail captured in 3D models makes it dramatically easier to eliminate quality problems and costly delays. It also enables manufacturers to reduce design cycles while raising quality, boost productivity without adding staff, and turn out more completed designs in less time.
  • Produce Higher Quality Products—The immersive 3D environment—combined with sophisticated automation—frees designers to focus on designing rather than drafting. 3D models communicate intent clearly, and make it easier to test for fit, function, and interpretation early. In turn, oversights and errors that lead to rework and headaches are slashed.